Lots of things come to mind when I hear the word "revolution", Les Miserables being one of them...but that's not what I was thinking. I was thinking of the spinning of the petals when I chose this title.
This is very O'Keefe. Enjoy. And yes, I took the photo that I worked from.
Oh Crystall. I LOVE this piece! It speaks to me on SO many levels! Gorgeous!
Thank you Rebekah.
miI really like it too! I want to come and watch you paint some time but I'm not sure how long Hyrum will let me. If only you were still going to be there when my parents come out in the end of October.
It's so new! I feel like I could just reach out and touch it! Beautiful! And, thanks for your advice and input. So helpful!
This is beautiful! I love all the green in those bottom petals!
(And, DANG, girl!! You MAKE this look good ... being all painting in your cute capris and all. *sigh* And you make it look EASY. Which proves how completely talented you are. AGAIN.
I'm so glad that I have talented friends. It kinda makes up for my lack of talent in artistic areas. ^_^)
Cristall, I've enjoyed looking at your blog in the past and thought I should finally leave a comment! Congratulations on your show... I hope it sells out! And this new piece you posted is stunning... very fun to see the pics of you working on it! Looking forward to seeing more.
Nicki, thank you.
I see you have started your blog only a while ago, Chrystall. This is going to be a wonderful blog to follow. Congratulations with your lovely paintings.(I notice your map did not show a South African visitor, maybe it takes time)
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