Aug 29, 2009


10" x 10" oils
I got the idea for the title maily from Scentsy - they have a new scent out called "Oxford" and it reminds me of cedar and an old English library. This painting has that same kind of feel to it - the background is a nice leather color and I can see this painting under a spot light in a library with rich, dark paneling and someone sipping tea in a nearby chair.

Aug 28, 2009


16" x 14" oils

I love the title. The name reminds me of a little girl who likes simple things and wears cute clothes and round glasses, if that makes any sense.

Rip Curl

16" x 14" oils

The background blue is such a moody, stormy ocean blue, perfect for the title and rip curl shape of the light and shadow in the tulip. I hope a surfer comes to my art show and likes this painting.

Aug 27, 2009


16" x 14" oils
 I'd like to thank my iPod for it's shuffle feature, and the KanYe West song "Stronger" that came on when I needed a lift!
Now, pray for a cloudy day so I can get some better shots of Sunny and Pomegranate. Darn summer sun.


16" x 14" oils
OK, so about this painting. It was easy to title. I have a friend named Sunny and her name totally fits her personality. She has been a big supporter of mine from the bitter beginning, so when it came time to think of a title for this bright, happy piece, I had to chose Sunny. Sunny, my friend, this ones' for you! Thanks for always rooting me on.

Aug 22, 2009

Alpine Art Opening

Someday I'll teach my husband to count to three before taking a picture.

a photo at closing time. Love the glow.

Last night's opening at Alpine Art was a success. I had fun painting for the crowd, was able to meet other artists and collectors, and the atmosphere was lively. Here are some pics!!

Aug 20, 2009

My Studio Has Really Low Ceilings

Today I began work on this 48" x 36" monster.  It's the biggest painting I'll have completed to date.

Aug 6, 2009


28" x 27", oils

Yesterday, I finally began painting. It's always so good to get back to the painting. Mmm. Better than cookies.

This painting was all planned out, and I fully intended to paint a very washed-out turquoise over the top of this vibrant background turquoise, letting the vibrant color peek through in places, but last night I sat looking at it, unable to bring myself to cover the background color. This morning, same thing. My husband and nephew each saw this painting separately and when they each said, "Ooh, I love the background" I decided the painting was done, and I'll have to use that washed-out turquoise on another painting. Sometimes, that's how life in the studio works. Voila.
