This is my favorite seascape that I have thus far painted. The composition is simple yet bold, the color family is nearly monochromatic, but that hit of cobalt turquoise in the wave is the perfect punch of chroma. It doesn't hurt any either that I can close my eyes and hear the roar of a rolling wave. Thanks Bonnie-Jean for the reference photo.
Like Karin Jurick, it's very zen to paint the ocean on a frigid day. It's Spring Break here, and it's snowing. Hm. Poor teachers.
The hardest part of this painting, and the bulk of what I worked on today, was the falling water on the left side. It's hard to make seafoam and water not look like clouds. Both have mass, both have soft edges, both move, and both are pretty much not that fun or easy to paint.
Gorgeous! I LOVE the transluscent-ness-essence of the light in the wave!! ^_^
simply beautiful, aaaaaw. :)
Wow. That is really ALL I can say....< speechless >
Fabulous! It's gorgeous Cristall... Bravo! I keep my camera ready so that in case I find any good picture opportunities I see if I can capture them and send them your way. :)
Cristall, I was always amazed at the art you could create even in high school. Stacy found you on facebook, and showed me the link to your blog. I am so happy (not even a good enough word) to see that you have made art your life. My daughter Jaylen loves art. She is turning 7 this month and it is all she wants to do. I showed her some of your pictures and she is inspired. I was always sad we lost touch, and I am glad to see what a great success you are. check out my blog. -Julie (Anderson) Gedge.
This wave is indeed breathtaking!! I'm in awe!
Beautiful- as always!
You have really captured the movement of the waves. A wonderful piece.
Ok checked out the updated BLOG. I LOVE this painting so much I just have to tell you. . .again!
by far my favorite piece you've done! I want it! tommy likee, tommy want harper art!
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