30 x 45" original oil
The title comes from a scripture in the
Book of Mormon (Mosiah 7:19). It says "lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God...". A while ago I was brainstorming with a friend about what to title this yet-to-be-painted piece. I knew I wanted something that connoted strength and individuality. We discussed a few options but nothing zinged at me.
A few days later I was reading my scriptures and having one of those blah days where I felt like I was falling short everywhere - even my body language as I read was defeated with my head hanging down and my back slumping. The moment I read the phrase "lift up your heads" I looked up with surprise and realization. I knew right away that would be the title for this painting, and my body language also changed: I lifted my head, I finished my reading, I took my dog for a long walk while I could process all of this, and the next day I began this painting. It was magical. I felt like the painting painted itself and all of a sudden there it was, in my studio, glowing at me.
Lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God. Three things...three steps mentioned in this one sentence that helped me get through a really hard day. First, chin up. Don't hang your head. Look around at what needs to be done and get started. Second, count your blessings. To rejoice is to realize what you have already been given. Third, trust that God knows what's best for you and is ready to bless you with your next success when it's time, and is reluctant to try you but He loves you and trials help you grow.
The main yellow daffodil is like me when I was in the middle of learning this lesson. I have inner light and lots of potential, I am surrounded by others and yet unique, and as I learn to lift my head, rejoice, and trust God, I'll bloom.
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