Sep 23, 2012

Lavender & Lace

17 x 17" original oil

There is a little place to stay in Manti, Utah that is a lot like the Anniversary Inn of Salt Lake. They have a themed room called "Lavender & Lace." It's of course decorated with dried lavender, but there is the light purple color mixed with creams throughout. I had help from friends in coming up with a title for this piece, and when one mentioned "Lace" it reminded me of the Lavender & Lace room I've stayed in before, and I felt it fit the purply grays and creams, as well as the older, more elegant feel of this painting.
Fall is coming. I am getting excited for anything with spices and pumpkin, as well as comfy cardigans and good books, clearer air and crisp mornings, rainstorms, colored leaves sticking to the wet streets, and wind! I love a good night wind when there is a full moon and low, scuttling clouds.

October will be a busy month of production for me as I get ready for a November show. At this moment I need to pinch myself to see if I really am living this life: I wake up, I walk to my studio, I paint. Nice.

Here is an early shot of Lavender & Lace before I saved it from the horrible peach color it had as the background. Black works much better to sharpen the image and "grow it up". Peach. Ick. I don't know what I was thinking. Peach would have worked better had it not been for the darker midtones.

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