Sep 14, 2012

Butterfly Wings

33 x 49" original oil

This is my favorite painting of 2012 (so far). Thank you Cindy for the title idea. Butterfly Wings perfectly fits the colors, shapes, edges and translucence. This painting will be at my art show in Salt Lake on November 8th. Click here for a link to my website with info.

Thank you also to my friend Elise who gave me some advice earlier in the week to remember to enjoy the process. I replayed her advice daily as I worked and worked on this painting.

I am a sucker for deep colors and dramatic light. Those reds...I can't get over those crimson, crimson reds. I just want to eat them up. 

I've been excited to share this one all week, so here you go! You have seen my new favorite.


  1. Oooo I love this one too. You are so right about the deep reds! Rich!

  2. Love the play of lights and are a master at creating that effect.

  3. Love the play of lights and are a master at creating that effect.

  4. I'm with Kay- I love how the light and shadows play off each other for that fantastic translucence. This painting truly is stunning. I know you won't have a hard time selling it! Keep on painting, my friend- I love seeing what you are capable of creating and the beautiful interpretations you make of God's creations.
