Aug 14, 2012

Like Bees to Honey: Part II

26 x 40" original oil in progress

Today I focused on the last three yellow blossoms and mapping out the leaves by painting black shapes I'll go over later. It was a tough painting day today; all I really wanted to do was read a book then take a nap. 
Here are my favorite tunes that shuffled onto my iPod while I worked:
"Last Dance Rodeo" - Jewel
"It's the Only One You've Got" - 3 Doors Down
"The Lotto Man Cometh" - Waking Ned Divine Soundtrack
"Gloria" - U2
"Extreme Ways" - Moby
"Like a Prayer" - Madonna
"Woman in Chains" - Tears for Fears

1 comment:

  1. I *love* the movie "Waking Ned Devine"- the first time I saw it, I wasn't so sure, but the more I watched it, the more I laughed! Such a little gem! I know what you mean about wanting to nap instead of working. I admire your self-motivation. I would probably have procrastinated and taken the nap instead.

    I love how this painting is shaping up!
