Aug 13, 2012

Like Bees to Honey: Part I

26 x 40" original oil in progress

Summer is almost over, and I'm already looking forward to cooler afternoons and pumpkin bread. I took some time off these last couple of weeks for a family reunion. It was great to reconnect. It was even greater to get back in the studio working.

I feel like I am just starting to paint some of my best work. I am so excited for the paintings I planned out for the rest of the year. I will have my originals in a couple more shows before the year is over, and as always, collectors are welcome to visit my studio or e-mail me. ( Keep an eye on my website as well as this blog and you will see my latest originals as they are completed.

I shot this reference for Like Bees to Honey during 2011's Tulip Festival, or maybe it was 2010, I can't remember, but I've always been drawn to the many closed buds in contrast with the bright open yellows and dark blacks/greens at the bottom. I didn't paint it until this year because I guess I just wasn't ready to tackle it, but I'm feeling good with how this one is looking. I'm trying to remember to use a lot of oranges and purples and reds in my greens to give them life. You can't see the color too well in this cell-phone snapshot, but hopefully when the painting is finished and I shoot the painting with my big camera, you'll see what I mean.

My new favorite music album that I've listened to a bazillion times already since beginning this painting:
Continued Silence by the band Imagine Dragons. It sounds weird, but it's awesome and the music is anything but silent. Great beats. Great moving music. 

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