Jan 14, 2012

Thank You

This last week I held a special art sale to help pay for some unexpected hand/wrist surgery. I want to say a big THANK YOU to my new collectors and to some old collectors who came through to help me when I needed help. I fell asleep smiling last night, thinking about how blessed I have been and planning out new tulip paintings for upcoming shows and events. I think 2012 will be a great year.

I will get back to painting tulips soon (when I can concentrate for longer periods of time - my pain meds make me so loopy). For now, I am working on little 6x6" paintings of my yellow lab for Alpine Art. That is my Salt Lake City gallery and they do a great job of selling out of my dog paintings for me - people just love yellow labs I guess! I have a few little paintings that I worked on before my surgery that I haven't posted yet, so I will share those as soon as I get them photographed.

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