Jan 4, 2012


10 x 10" oil
Happy New Year and 2012. I've worked on this painting for a few days and am happy to offer something white for the new year: it just felt right. I used such small brushes for this piece as you can imagine, since it's only 10x10". I'm already getting antsy for spring and trying to plan out my tulip photographing trips (I'd really love to go to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Washington), which stresses me out, since I can't control Mother Nature and peak bloom times are so erratic year to year. I am hoping to find plentiful reds and whites this Spring - I have not had good luck finding large beds of reds and whites the last couple of years. 
Thanks to Alpine Art for selling all but one of my paintings over the holiday season, and thank you to my new collectors. I hope to meet you at future art shows. 



  1. Here is to a most successful and prosperous new year for you and many many more happy (and new) collectors!

    Title for this beauty???

  2. oops saw the title. . leave that part out!! Need my glasses like ALL of the time!!
