Oct 27, 2009

My Article in Southwest Art Magazine

Thanks to Courtney Carpenter of Southwest Art Magazine for interviewing me and featuring Red, White and Blue on page 41 in the October issue. What a dream come true for me. The featured painting has sold - I encourage collectors to look at my other barn paintings. Click here to see them; they are available through Xanadu Gallery.


  1. Congratulations on your article! By the way, there are so many great barns up where we live. So if you ever need new material...come for a vist...or just come anyway!

  2. That's INCREDIBLE! Very cool, Cristall! I feel like you're a celebrity ... can I be your groupie? (Remind me again what artist groupies do other than go to lots of gallery shows - cuz I can't in GA, but I am in spirit!).

  3. YAY!!!! You're FAMOUS!!

    I think I still have that tag you gave me with that lip schmear from Christmas of ... what ... 2004? That's going to pay for my kids' college education!! ^_^

    (P.S. I'm so proud of you! ^______^)
