Oct 19, 2009

Angst: Part III

Check out the close-up of texture. I just love working with texture and it's been a while since I have. It's good to be back.
Artists face a lot of opposition on the road to success. I don't think I've arrived at that nebulous destination of success; I am very much still on the road. For me, opposition is a necessary part of painting and I channel it through pieces like Angst. If I don't experience the highs and lows of life, the emotional aspect of my art is weak. Frustration is therefore a curse and a blessing for me.
I feel that this painting needs a bit more, but it's close. I enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for all that you've been leaving.


  1. Ooooooh....LOVE this! So much energy and emotion. Opened up to the large version and the texture is wonderful. Favorite parts: the little spots under that gorgeous band of white and that great wall of rain on the left side.

  2. Thanks guys. Gwen, I agree- I love the section of dotted water under the wave crest.

  3. This is an awsome painting it definitly has a lot of emotion in it. I am a real sucker for stormy skys.
