Oct 29, 2008

Pointed Out

25" x 19", oil

I've had the picture of this tulip sitting in my references since June. I didn't like it because it was pointy. Time went by, and now that's exactly why I like it: it's pointy. I used to try and homogenize every flower I painted. Now, I like finding quirky traits that set a blossom apart from the crowd.

My favorite part about painting flowers is getting to use colors that pack a punch.


  1. I love how this one seems even more photo-realistic than your other tulips (and they do look very life-like).

    It's just realer-than-real. I keep expecting to smell the pollen or something. ^_^

  2. I love painting botanicals too! You have some beauties here! :)

  3. Why does this all of a sudden look different to me. It looks red-er than I remember seeing it since you've painted it. I must be loosing my mind. Of course it's beautiful and so much more amazing in person. :)

  4. It could look different because the old picture I posted was too orange. I took a newer picture in natural light and the colors are more accurate. Is that it?
