Oct 21, 2008


24" x 20", oil
The title for this painting came very easily. The shape and color of the petals remind me of hearts, and I like short, simple titles.

The hardest part about this painting was getting the greys right. The cream part of the petals is anything but just cream. Instead, there are blue-greys, red-greys, yellow-greys, etc. The background is this rich, chocolately red-brown. Tulips and chocolate...excellent gifts. It was great fun to paint.


  1. Love it!! I can see why you've been craving a little decadence! The colors are so rich! I see that Xanadu snatched it up for the exhibit. When does that start? Are they going to take any more paintings? YEA!! I gotta say I half expected to see some grapes after all of your juicing. But you may not want to see another grape for a bit. :) Glad to see you back painting

  2. Very pretty.

    I hope that it does get bought for those exact reasons that you thought of. ^_^

    Yum ... chocolate. What about TULIP-SHAPED chocolates?? Genius, no?

  3. Cristall, I hope you don't mind that I come check out your art! I have started painting more again (partly because you remind me of how fun it is!). I am always so amazed by your talent! I'm glad that you share it with people.

  4. Hi Cristall - it was fun to see you the other day at the store. I LOVE this painting. I am a huge tulip fan and this one hits the spot for me. Awesome.
