Feb 2, 2015

Sloan Elizabeth Triptych

26 x 80" original oil triptych

My fabulous St. George Gallery, Authentique, arranged this commission for an out-of-state client. As soon as these paintings are dry, they will be shipped off to Kentucky! This project was so much work, but so rewarding. I spent all of January on it, down to the last day. I'd start my day in the morning in the studio and focus on one blossom at a time. There are so many color changes. I wanted the nuances of the creamier blossoms versus the darker pink blossoms to be obvious, then if you zoom in, there are areas that are purple, orange, gray, blue, and greenish. The prism of colors visible when you zoom in is what makes it feel so alive when you zoom out. Original artwork has personality and depth, and this one is very much alive. Thank you Authentique for securing and arranging this commission, thank you to my new and wonderfully cooperative client for supporting me and purchasing my artwork, and may it bring you joy each time you see it hanging on your wall! 
Much Love,

detail from first panel

detail from middle panel

detail from third panel

Three easels!!

one of MANY palettes that formed this piece

first panel
26 x 20"

middle panel
26 x 40"

third panel
26 x 20"


  1. Alive is an understatement! Their wall is going to POP! This is so typical of Harper's world of tulips. Regardless of your style, she has a look and color scheme for everyone.

  2. Cristall, I am in awe of your paintings! I love seeing in-progress and close-ups... the detail just amazes me! Thank you for sharing. :)
