Jul 16, 2014


32 x 40" original oil

These poppies were growing along 600 South in Salt Lake City. I went there a few times to photograph the poppies this summer; the flower beds are by a stop light and it never fails that some smart alec of a driver pulls up to a red light and honks his horn at me while I'm bending over to photograph. I need a shirt that says "You're not funny and I know karate." 

This composition reminds me of a ballroom full of swirling dresses and partners. Poppy petals have always reminded me of swirling gowns. This is a nice, large piece, perfect for that big wall you're looking to fill. 

My favorite part is the center area made of two bright white poppies and a third that is half in shadow. I love the depth. My close second-favorite area is anywhere with that crazy blue. I like the swooshing line made by the middle white poppies that divides the composition.