Jun 16, 2014

Pam & Steve

9 x 16" original oil

Years and years ago I attended a show in Park City at the Kimball Art Center. There was a new (to me) artist named Erin Berrett who did a show of shoe paintings that blew me away. I even went back after the doors closed to press my face against the glass doors and peer inside, just to look at the paintings a little longer. I have followed her online and been to other shows of hers throughout the years, and I have been lucky enough to even be in a few of the same shows as a fellow artist. 

When she contacted me about doing a commission of her two dogs for her husband's birthday, I almost fainted. Was THE Erin Berrett asking me to do a painting for HER?? Yes, I was starstruck and determined to make this the best painting of her dogs possible. It was great to paint for another artist, to share in finding our favorite brush strokes, and to enjoy the camaraderie. We both get to do what we love!

Here are her precious dogs: Pam on the left, and dear Steve who has since passed, on the right. Erin is like me: our dogs are the ones we spend the most time with since we both paint at home during the day while our husbands are at work. If we didn't have our dogs, we'd be talking to OURSELVES all day long, but thank goodness they are there curled up in the studio to keep us company. 

You have to check out Erin's stuff.
Go to her website here: http://www.ewbpaintings.com/

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