Apr 4, 2014

That Was Fun!

24 x 24" original oil

Buttercup and I had been playing ball for a while when I snapped this shot. She was worn out and her whole face was smiling. Even her ear is back, which she does when she's really happy. In the studio yesterday as I was painting, I asked my husband if it was weird that her tongue was hanging to the side, and he said no, that this was his favorite part. I'm still unsure - people are either going to love it or hate it. I personally love it because she's my dog and I think it's hilarious the way labs will play until their tongues hang out, so hopefully the right collector finds this piece - someone who finds joy in this crazy face that is my dog. 

Come to St. George on Thursday, April 17th to Ancestor Square Courtyard for the New Visions Show. I will be there with this painting and you will have a chance to meet me and see (and buy!) much more of my artwork at Authentique Gallery. Click the link for more info. See you there!

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