Apr 23, 2014


10 x 10" original oil

This painting sold as soon as it was finished! I love those. It's going to my Park City gallery director and she's gifting it to a loved one. She does so much for my career and spent a lot of time today matching up some of my available paintings to a searching client, and it was the icing on the cake for her to take this one as well. Thanks M, you're the best. 

I've recently been in St. George at a show. I wish I had taken more pictures! During the two-day show I painted a 10 x 10" piece of the poppies that grow along 600 South in downtown Salt Lake. It sold during the event to a new collector who bid on it over the phone! I wish I could have met her to thank her in person. Maybe some day. Thank you JBM for letting me be a part of your wonderful gallery and this past show. I really enjoyed getting to meet many of the artists that also participated in this show whom I look up to greatly. 

Currently, I am out photographing the tulips during daylight hours and working on finishing a few new pieces for my May 16th show in Provo. It's Spring, and that means I'm in overdrive. I love the fresh color after a long winter that tulips bring!

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