Jan 7, 2014


22 x 45" original oil

This is my first painting of 2014. It is a commission for a new client who found my work at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building Christmas Art Show. When I learned he would be bringing three daughters to my studio to pick up this painting, it gave me an idea for the title for this feminine piece. 

The client liked Carolyn, Petticoat, and Purity, three sold paintings I have previously painted, and asked if I'd do a painting that combined certain elements of each. I was able to find a bed of flowers with the right light, and I cut up a few different photographs and pieced them together to make this composition. I like the layering and sense of light. My favorite part is the two reflecting petals in the center flower, the one that doesn't have the yellow center. I love it when reflected light brightens a cast shadow. Whites are good for that. 

I love painting whites and getting to mix/use slight variations of creams, pinks, grays, greens, etc. It's amazing how many colors are in one little petal. 

my favorite part


  1. So beautiful! I actually gasped when I saw this first photo!


  2. Cristall, it turned out beautifully! Wow!
