Oct 24, 2013

Sunny Side Up

23 x 23" original oil

This painting is heading to one of my upcoming shows. To see a list of all of my upcoming shows, click here.

I love how creamy this painting feels. Painting whites is one of my very favorite things, and the greenery in this painting is so involved and transitional. I love the stems going from spring green to burnt sienna, and the little brush strokes of bright green amid pale green.

If the oval blossom on the left hadn't been in the shadow, it would obviously be bright white and therefore (I think) put the whole composition off balance. But because it's darker gray and about the same value as the greenery, there is balance. 

These tulips were growing at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens. If you look closely, you can see all of the colors in the petals and leaves. 


1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely LOVELY. Such strong shapes and true colour. Those stems are perfect!
