Aug 26, 2013

Education Week

This was my first year participating as an artist in the BYU Bookstore during Education Week. Adults and teenagers from all over the country (and from some other countries) come to campus to take classes offered on everything from Utah in the Civil War, to genealogy, to improving your marriage. The bookstore stays open longer and is filled with artists and authors signing their work for Education Week-goers to take home.

Thanks to TK for inviting me and feeding me lunch each day! My favorite part of it all was meeting the other amazing artists and getting a chance to eat lunch with them and talk with them, not to mention see their artwork in person! It was a long week filled with new experiences; I am glad to be home again and in the studio cranking full-time.

Thanks to those Education Week-goers who stopped to chat, who signed my mailing list, and/or who bought something. I appreciate it!

I had mostly prints for sale with a few teensy originals in the mix. The foreground shows the brand new product available soon at Deseret Book - my YW Tulips in cute new frames carved with the YW values. 

The last two days, I set up my paints to work on a new painting. I enjoyed having people stop to watch me work. The most popular comment was that I "paint by number" which is really true with how I fill in shapes...except I pick the number and make the color ;) 

Original 20x23" oil in progress. I'll be finishing it this week for an upcoming show. Just wait until you see closeups of the brushwork in that yummy background. 

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