Apr 19, 2013


6 x 6" original oil

It was my pleasure to paint Kona, this beautiful chocolate lab who loved to play and who almost always had something in his mouth to tug-of-war and dance around with. When I went to photograph him, he made sure I understood he was there not to sit still and be photographed, but to invite me to try and get that wash cloth out of his mouth. He loved to play and belonged to a loving family who spoiled him rotten, as every dog should be. He passed away yesterday from cancer and he was only a few years old. This painting was commissioned by a family member and is a surprise for Kona's dad who feels the struggle of what Kona has gone through.  
My own dog is such a comfort to me, especially this week with the trauma of Boston and Texas fresh in my mind. Give your dogs an extra scratch and belly rub and tell them thanks for always wagging their tail when you come home, especially when it feels like the rest of the world is full of tragedy. Our dogs are a bright spot in a sad day.

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