Jan 22, 2013

Well That Was Fast...

"Scritch Scratch" 6 x 6" original oil, sold the first day it arrived at the gallery

I don't as a rule post a painting here on my blog when it sells. However, this one is too exciting not to share. I sent Scritch Scratch to Gallery MAR, my Park City art gallery, and it sold the day it was put up. I'm telling you, these little dog paintings are going like hotcakes, so if you see one you want, snatch it up! I'm so glad to see that other people love their pets as much as I do.

If you are interested in commissioning a pet portrait, contact any of my art galleries or contact me directly. It's your choice; the price is the same. 

This painting happens to feature my yellow lab, Buttercup, trying to reach that pesky itch under her collar.

For today, I need to work on finishing my big purple tulip painting and work on starting a new dog painting. Happy Tuesday!

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