Nov 16, 2012

Say Cheese

6 x 6" original oil
My dog Buttercup totally knows how to smile for the camera as she is in this painting. I also love how she's sitting to one side, relaxed and happy. She and I had just finished playing Frisbee when I had her pose on the driveway for this picture.  I love how her face shows how happy she is to just be. Dogs teach me to live in the moment. This painting is drying and headed to Park City's Gallery MAR around November 26th. 

a detail

This is a photograph of an 18 x 24" painting in-progress on my easel right now. It just sold to a new collector who saw it like this and fell in love with it before it was even finished. I feel thankful. 

Time to begin on a poppy commission! My husband has the 14 x 18" panel built and it's been gessoed and is now dry and ready for paint. I haven't painted a poppy in forever. It will be very O'Keefe. 

I will be at Alpine Art tonight for the opening night of Honoring Utah Artists. If you are in the area, come see me and see my painting in the show. Concord II is the painting that will be for sale at this show:
Concord II

1 comment:

  1. Someday, I will have enough money to be able to travel anywhere in the U.S. on a whim, and when I do, I will definitely be traveling to actually experience one of your art shows!

    Good luck!
