Oct 15, 2012

Good Boy

6x6" original oil

I have a new gallery in Park City, Utah that is selling my dog paintings. If you are in Park City, stop by Gallery MAR and see them in person. They are selling well already. There is something so refreshing and happy about dogs; they are hilarious to paint. I think people that own dogs understand that they have such quirky personalities, and when I paint them, I like to show the dog's personality. I also think that's what the buyers connect with. This is Harley, my brother and sister-in-law's dog. He's a good boy.

I am headed to an event at a local park on October 20th where dogs are welcome to come roam with owners. I'm hoping it's sunny and I can photograph breeds I have never painted. I have a lab and she is my favorite, but I want some variety. Contact me if you love your dog, want to show them off, and have some fun outdoor, sunny photos of him/her. Submit your image and he/she may be painted. Be sure to not photograph your dogs in grass as this hides their little paws. Thanks! 

Go to Gallery MAR's homepage here where you will see a paragraph about my new dog paintings there.

Have a great day!

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