Oct 29, 2012


10 x 10" original oil

The purples in this painting, especially next to the yellows in Mosaic, are outstanding. I love these colors. It's not often I get to pull out so much blue in my tulip art. I named this painting Concord for the colors: the blue areas are like the peel of the concord grape, and the deep violets are the color of the juice. The color of sunlight coming through a glass of concord grape juice is one of my favorite colors ever. 

Each Thanksgiving when I was growing up, my parents would divide a bottle of Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice between all of our goblets. SOMETIMES we were lucky and there were two bottles. We each got a bit of the deliciousness. I remember looking at the color the juice made when I looked through my goblet up at the lit chandelier. See? Even as a kid, color fascinated me. 

This painting will be part of my art show on November 8th in Salt Lake City.

detail area


  1. I love this one Cristall! great color.

  2. Purple is one of my favorite colors, thus, this has easily become one of my favorites of your paintings! Beautiful!
