Jun 25, 2012

This is the little gem on my easel right now. There are more purples in this painting than I normally get to use. I love the transparent and layered composition. When the painting is in-progress it feels very unbalanced due to the large blank areas, but trust me, it's going to be awesome. Don't you love my palette? I love a full palette. It's satisfying in the same way as seeing a pile of scraps when you've been cutting out paper or fabric...it's evidence that a lot of work has been going on. Sometimes I wish I could save my palettes and display them with the finished paintings at shows. I think it would be cool. I just haven't figured out how to actually do it and have it look good.
It's been hot. One hundred degrees outside hot. My raspberries are growing like champs though so everyday I graze like a bear out in my berry patch.
I got a new vinyl sticker for my car.  I bought it on eBay and it's of a volleyball. It's only a few inches across and it's so cute. A year or so ago I decided I wanted a vanity license plate. State-issued license plates are so boring. My license plate says ARTGIRL and it makes me so happy. And last but not least I have a New York license plate that my sister bought for me at some rock and roll store that says I LOVE U2 and it is displayed in the car's rear window. U2 is my favorite band and has been since 1993 (thanks to older sisters with great music collections).  Now everybody who is tailing me on the roads will see that not only do I play volleyball, but I am an artist that loves U2. I have never really gotten past the "decorate your locker in junior-high" stage when it comes to my car. Who knows what I'll plaster it with next... It does, however, make it easier to find in parking lots. 

1 comment:

  1. You're right. I didn't notice till you said it but you don't often use too many purples but I like it! I can tell it's going to be amazing. Like I said on facebook...can't wait. Can I say I miss daily painting. I know it was hard on you but it was so fun to see something new and amazing everyday.

    Love that you drive around in your locker! :) Now you just need a pea pod or a blackberry (like the actual berry) to put on there somewhere. :) Maybe a canning ring hanging on the review mirror. :) No, I think I'd stick with what you have.
