Jun 14, 2012

Cinderella II

35 x 52" original oil

I finished this commission late last night. It is for a client who saw the original Cinderella at an art show in which it had already sold. They asked if I could paint it again but larger which I was of course happy to do. I had my husband build a custom panel that next week and then I began the prep work of gesso and hanging wire and getting the picture drawn. Painting began soon after and about a month later it is now finished. There were days where I'd work on it for hours and days where I'd work on it for less, just depending on how hard an area was or what colors I had to mix. I bought a bag of those Wint-O-Green Lifesavers and put it on my painting table so I had a steady source to eat. I always know how hard a painting is by how much gum I chew or mints I go through. I'm kind of an animal that way. Hopefully they don't link Lifesaver mints to cancer some day, or I'm a goner. 
I went to Thanksgiving Point Gardens a week or so ago just to see how different it looks when it's not tulip season. It was really strange to walk through and not see any tulips. The grounds were pretty quiet. I wanted to see poppies but I was too late. Everything is blooming so early this year. There were hardly any hollyhocks as well, but the roses were pretty. It is always a treat to walk around there and get away from busy streets and city noise. The landscaping crew does a top-notch job. It's a crash back to reality to return home to my yard that doesn't even compare. Speaking of, I really need to weed today...my poor garden is getting taken over. I think I will take a couple of days now to catch up in my yard and relax by the pool with a good book. I have some great paintings waiting in the wings, so keep checking this blog to be the first to see them! Happy Summer. 


  1. This is one of my very favorites of yours. I love it!

  2. Fantastic painting , such a great depth and feeling of plenitude , I can understand you had to make another one after selling the first one, really gorgeous !

  3. Thank you Melanie and Jane! I appreciate your comments so much.

  4. I love how this one looks so realistic, it almost looks like a photo! It's beautiful!

    (Speaking of good books, I just finished an entertaining read- "Captain Wentworth's Diary"- it's a retelling of Jane Austen's "Persuasion" from Capt. Wentworth's perspective. The prose isn't particularly stunning or amazing, but it is an engrossing and fun read for any romantic at heart! :)
