May 19, 2012

Zions Bank Art Show

Tonight was a great art show. Thank you to everybody who made it out to encourage and support me. What a thrill to have worked so hard this Spring creating new paintings, then see them sell and go to collectors. All of my paintings but one sold tonight. I am filled with gratefulness, joy and peace.

I had many people ask tonight how they can be the first to see my new paintings and have a chance to purchase them. The answer is to follow this blog and check it often. The day I finish a painting it is photographed and posted here on this blog. I also add it to my website portfolio. My contact information is listed on my website here.

I am ready to get to work on new paintings and look forward to seeing many of you at my next show. Check this page on my website for details on when my next show will be.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy a lot of your art has found good homes. You have so much talent and I am so glad that you are able to share it in such a wonderful way. Truly beautiful...and the art's not bad either.
