Apr 11, 2012


35 x 52" original oil

I have been out to photograph new tulips three times this Spring. I would be working in the studio during a storm, the sun would come out, and literally I would put the brush down mid-stroke, grab my camera and go. Each time has been rewarding. Just this morning I finally was able to shoot some whites and purples which are hard colors for me to find in abundance. A wind/dust storm is now blowing in and we are supposed to get snow Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I never expect any less from Spring here in Utah, but it sure makes my work... interesting in April. Hopefully the tulips that are now up are hardy enough to stand the weekend weather. 
I bought a new camera a couple of weeks ago - a Canon - and I'm in love. Good tools make for good work. 
The sun has gone behind thick clouds and today's storm is already rolling in. It feels good to have Honeybee finished and a memory card full of photos for new paintings. Now, I am going to catch up with paperwork, housework, and find something to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and so huge.....a lucky buyer will be proud to call it their own soon. I have recently been to the Botanical Gardens in my area and got some great photos of tulips. Can't wait to get them on canvas. I didn't get great photos of the purple tulips, but the reddish orange ones are beautiful.
