Mar 29, 2012


22 x 29" original oil

A collector saw Ruffles in my studio yesterday, before it was even finished, and bought it right then and there. That was a real treat for me and it made my day. Thank you to my generous collectors who support the arts and support me. 
I will look at this painting every day while it is drying and enjoy it as long as possible before it goes to a new home. Ruffles is a definite favorite of all the tulips I have painted: I love the different colors, the open blossom, the mottled background, and the warm sunlight. It makes me want to walk barefoot through the grass and take a deep breath. 

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, LOVE the colors on this one- somehow, it suggests a rainbow of colors (and I don't mean that just because I know you probably mixed a rainbow of colors to paint this)- I just love how vibrant and alive it is! The one who bought this is certainly lucky!
