Mar 8, 2012

Peas & Carrots

6 x 6" original oil

OK so I know the title is funny, but with the greens and oranges, it's seriously all that was going through my brain, no matter what else I tried to use. Now I'm thinking of the bags of frozen veggies with peas and chopped carrots inside...oh well. I love the light, and in person it's so miniature, which was hard to paint but I do think it's cute.


  1. I LOVE the translucent quality of the tulip petals in this one--especially that of the central tulip. This is simply gorgeous! I have no doubt it will sell quickly at your show! :)

  2. Yea! It feels like daily painting again! :) As always it's beautiful. And now I have lines from Forrest Gump running through my head.

  3. Sunny, I have Forrest Gump lines running through my head too. So cute.
