May 10, 2011

Candy Land: Part I

I painted for 10 hours today. My back is sore to say the least. And I love my dog because she slept on her bed in the studio all day to keep me company. I'm going to curl up with a mug of hot cinnamon apple tea and be satisfied with the progress I made today. I have a lot more to go to be ready for my show May 19th.

Please come, I would love to see you all there.

Click here for the invitation.

It will feature my best work yet.

Here are some shots from today:


  1. You don't often have buds in your paintings. I don't think I've ever seen a bud in your tulip paintings. How fun. :) It's looks like it's going to be really fun and colorful. Can't wait to see more.

  2. I sure love the light in your latest works :)
