Mar 2, 2011

Mt. Timpanogos Temple commission: Part III

So I was sick with the flu for 5 days and today is the first day I've been out of bed working again. This painting is proving to be harder than I thought. At the end of the day when I leave the studio it's a relief to not be thinking linearly in terms of millimeters. I could never be an architect or anybody else that works with straight lines all day. Still, difficulties aside, the structure is taking shape. I haven't rounded that figurative corner where I feel like I'm on the home stretch of the painting and until then it's just going to be me locking myself in the studio to work to get to that point. At one point today I told myself, "Just paint one line, figure one line out and paint that one line." Ten lines later I'd have to get up and walk around. ADHD much? Yes. I want to get this baby done and out of the studio to make way for Spring and tulip paintings! The countdown begins...


  1. AMAZING!!! Looking forward to seeing the finshed piece.

  2. WOW! Goodness. Can't WAIT to see it finished.'ve got me dreaming.

  3. Your perfectionism is paying off! it looks awesome! I like how you used grey for the shadows and not a lot of dark darks.

  4. Don't be too hard on yourself. This painting takes my breath away as is, so I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished.Stunning.
