Mar 14, 2011

Mount Timpanogos Temple commission

36x60" oils
sold - prints are available

The commission of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple is finished. It took me 7 weeks from start to finish: photographing and planning with the client down to the actual application of paint. I signed the painting today so it is d-o-n-e done.  I'm having Hawkinson Photography come to my studio tomorrow and photograph it so that I have what I need to have a printer make prints of this painting for any interested buyers.

If you would like a print of this painting, any size, I will be happy to have one made for you. Please e-mail me: about prints.

I will celebrate this painting being finished by deep-cleaning my studio, buying new paint and brushes (now that I've worn through a few), and getting a massage for the crick in my back and neck from holding still for so long while detailing the architecture! No really, it was a pleasure to paint and now that it's done I can't believe I did it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

for scale

there were two or three palettes going at all times...

brushes of choice


  1. Um. Wow. That is just beautiful! I LOVE the dramatic sky, especially the way the light shines down to make it look as though the darkness has passed and will come no more- very beautifully symbolic...
    I'll go ahead and e-mail you, but I'd definitely LOVE a print of this!

  2. Derek's response to your scale picture "You got your wee, your not so wee, and your frickin' HUGE!" Seriously amazing. I'd love to see it in person but I doubt your commission clients want people traipsing through their house. I think you need a lot more than a deep clean of your studio new brushes and a massage. I think you need a candle bath,chocolates and some sun ripened blackberries too. Paint something washy and loose next! :) Maybe a little abstract. Any ideas for what you'll do for Art prize?

  3. I absolutely LOVE it! You are amazing Cristall!

  4. Thank you everybody! Sunny, it'll be in my studio for a couple more weeks during drying/varnish time. You're more than welcome to bring the family up!

  5. It is so amazingly beautiful! Great work!

  6. Beautifully done!
    If you're seriously interested in submitting to Artprize, and would be coming to Grand Rapids for same, you are very welcome to stay with us.

  7. Thank you for painting this beautiful painting. My husband and I received this back in April of 2011 as a gift from my family. We love how breathtaking it is and the constant reminder of the eternal union we share. Thank you again.
    -Kristina and Brandon Bishoff
