Aug 30, 2010


19" x 22" - oils

This is the painting I finished today. I started it last week and it was originally 25" tall, but there was no way around the big black nothing at the bottom - it was too heavy so I chopped it off and luckily it was on the end. Now the composition feels better. It feels like it's supposed to: balanced, peaceful with an edge, and open.
I titled it Endings because of the way the painting feels to me and because I see life happening in cycles. I have a quote on my blog home page that says "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." That sums it up nicely.
Enjoy the close-ups below.


  1. I love this painitng Cristall. The textures and layers of wet over dry are so effortlessly perfect! I love the big wave and I'm glad you chopped off the bottom. Wish I had the tools to do that with some of my paintings:)

  2. Very nice... Again, I wish I were an independently wealthy art patron- I LOVE the feel of the colors, the texture- I'm telling ya, if I could afford it, I'd get this one, too! Of course, it DOES make me even more excited to get the two I bought!!! :)
