Mar 23, 2010

Roll: Part I

18" x 36" oil

Roll is an interesting painting. It's the first time I've shown this much wave, but I couldn't get away from that fabulous turquoise, the linear qualities of the composition, and how the wave cuts diagonally through the space. This painting's got a long way to go...I hope you like it so far.

Thanks to Bonnie-Jean for sending me the photo.


  1. How exciting! I love it, and I can't wait to see it as it progresses. :) (You're welcome)

  2. Lovely colours and composition, very interesting the close-up of the painting, details are like gold for the eye of the artist.
    Best, Marco.

  3. LOVE IT! I've been waiting for a piece like this it seems like your work has been heading this way. :) Starting with "Still" which became "High tide" :)You are definitely making me homesick. :)

  4. interesting blog and art work, Critall.
    Keep up the great work

  5. Christall I'm in awe! I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog! This is a wonderful piece. I love the boldness of the composition - thanks, too, for the close ups, and process sharing!

  6. wow!! this is so beautiful! I also love your flowers! :)

  7. Lovely style , beautiful painting
