Sep 16, 2008

Pale Yellow Iris

29" x 26", oil
I had to include an iris in my flower series. They are the queen of frilly flowers. Every iris I paint causes me to think about my dad. He loves irises and it's because of him I like to paint flowers. When I was in high school, he asked me to do a 3' x 4' iris painting for his office and I've been painting flowers ever since. Thanks pops!

This iris was growing in my brother and sister-in-law's backyard. I'll try and get another picture tomorrow with better light (nix the glare at the top); I can't reshoot now seeing as it's dark outside.

Pictorial Tidbits: The two above pictures show the very beginning (white charcoal sketch on purple background) and the middle stage of the painting (almost finished flower before the background was warmed and the last of the POP was added to the petals). Total time lapse from start to finish: 4 hours.


  1. I CANNOT believe that you painted that in a total of 4 HOURS!! Amazing! And it's getting old to say but...I LOVE YOUR FLORALS!! Thank you Pops! :)

  2. It's also interesting to me that you sign your paintings in the drawing stage. All of the painters in my family don't sign it until they are complete. I don't think I've noticed that before.

  3. I kinda am liking the glare. It's pretty and full of sunshine. ^_^

    Yeah, Michael better start raking in the dough STAT so I can buy your paintings.

    They make me happy.
